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LA Times op-ed slammed for comparing Trump-supporting neighbors to Hezbollah

Los Angeles Times opinion column is under fire for comparing supporters of former President Donald Trump to Hezbollah and Nazi sympathizers.

“This woman compares her Trump-supporting neighbors, who plowed her driveway, to Nazi sympathizers & Hezbollah & wrestles w/whether to show them any kindness since she ‘can’t give them absolution,’” journalist Megyn Kelly wrote of the piece. “Note to Virginia Heffernen’s neighbors: don’t plow again.”

The Los Angeles Times published a piece last week titled “What can you do about the Trumpites next door?” which described how author Virginia Heffernan’s driveway was cleared of snow by her Trump-supporting neighbors.

“Of course, on some level, I realize I owe them thanks — and, man, it really looks like the guy back-dragged the driveway like a pro — but how much thanks?” she wrote. “These neighbors are staunch partisans of blue lives, and there aren’t a lot of anything other than white lives in the neighborhood.”

Read more at Washington Examiner

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